
Is protection.outlook.com becoming hotmail.com?

Tags: Spam

Update: May 18th, 2022. I have now blocked everything from protection.outlook.com. Make it or brake it. This is a snapshot of the IP blocker today. It is really working hard now. What a pity Microsoft doesn’t work harder to avoid these spammers.


Read on for the original article


Finally I managed to stop the SMTP hacking, generating tons of "SMTP Server: Authentication failed for user ..."-messages

Tags: Lotus Domino Configuration Spam

Have you ever seen a bunch of these in your Domino log-database?


If so, you are the victim of attempted SMTP Hacking. It means that someone is trying to log on to your server via the SMTP protocol. SMTP was primarily constructed for functionality and not so much security Smile

Unnecessarily to say, it is a waste of cycles to have all this traffic hit your server, not to mention what could happen if they ever succeed entering the system! Obviously the perpetrators uses some sort of directory attack trying out both known and valid mail addresses, in addition to all sorts of other names.

Read on to see how I finally was able to stop specified IPs from even reaching the Domino server (hint, the Windows Firewall comes to rescue!)

Update March 7th, 2017: David Brown over at his site https://port1352.wordpress.com (love the port1352-name!) took the time to chime in and tipsed me about his blog-post Disable SMTP-AUTH To Stop Relay Hackers In Their Tracks . I had actually seen this post too, but I could not get my head around that it would could actually be better to turn off SMTP-authentication in order to have better security. I asked a question on his post, and he posted a thorough answer to why this might be a good idea here. Thanks David for taking your time to answer this question!


If you expect mail from Voith's CODE, please ensure vcode.no is allowed in your spam filters whitelist!

Tags: Spam
Don't you get mail from Voith's CODE?

Due to switch of ISP,  Voith's CODE has recently noticed an increased problem with mail from my domain (vcode.no) being blocked by spam filters. I am very sorry for this, and hope to address it soon.

The immediate fix is to allow mail from vcode.no in your spam filters white list!


Smart CSS-usage create new type of spam not easily detected by anti-spam solutions?

Tags: Spam
Simply by using smart float:right-CSS, an incoming mail obfuscate the real bad words and have many spam-solutions not detect the spam.
Read on to see what it looks like and how it works

