LotusScript Java Connections
This part 1 of 3 in the article series “Classic Notes: How to communicate with IBM Connections from LotusScript wrapping IBM SBT with LS2J”.
Read the others here:
Part 2
Part 3
… embark! …
You have seen the cool IBM Social Business Toolkit (IBM SBT), and you played around with the ??bercool Playground application. You dive into the code and quickly discover that you need some Java or JavaScript knowledge.
- Ooops, but I am mostly doing LotusScript, you say … what now?
Perhaps you ask a question on StackOverflow to see if anybody has some advice for your scenario (just completely out of the sky – perhaps something similar to this question
). The chances are that you’d get a lot of advice abandoning your old and tired LotusScript in favor for the much more modern Java language. Your challenge is that you have a lot of LotusScript code that you would love to enhance with the new cool IBM SBT possibilities, and perhaps not the time to take the heavy plunge into learning a new language.
This article – which assumes a whole bunch of details are in place – will show you how to have this small piece of LotusScript code …

… put an entry into an Activity Stream in a specified community like this;